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    School Management System


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    عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 38

    School Management System Empty School Management System

    مُساهمة من طرف adelemam322 الأحد أكتوبر 06 2013, 11:53

    [ltr]School Management System helps administrators and teachers with their daily activities and keeps parents up to date with their children's progress.[/ltr]

    • [ltr]2500 Mb web space[/ltr]
    • [ltr]25Gb Monthly Bandwidth[/ltr]
    • [ltr]CMS (Edit & manage your site)
      Click Here for more info>>[/ltr]
    • [ltr]20 Informative pages from unlimited How !!??[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Training Course for two persons[/ltr]
    • [ltr]MySQL database[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Web 2.0 Dynamic Design[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Domain Name Registration[/ltr]
    • [ltr]4 Extras[/ltr]
    • [ltr]6 Dynamic Modules[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Facebook And twitter integration[/ltr]
    • [ltr]4 FTP account[/ltr]
    • [ltr]30 Email accounts[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Google statistics[/ltr]
    • [ltr]Phone & Email Support[/ltr]

      • [ltr]Provides a school administrator to manage the school[/ltr]
      • [ltr]Provides a teacher to assign assignments and view students[/ltr]
      • [ltr]Provides a student to view assignments,degrees and lessons[/ltr]
      • [ltr]Provides a parent to monitor the progress of his kids[/ltr]
      • [ltr]Entire emailing system between users [/ltr]
    [ltr]More Details[/ltr]
    [ltr]  Only 6500 LE (Special Offer for limited time)[/ltr]
    [ltr]- See more at: http://egyme.net/en/packages-prices.html#sthash.q7wWaxyY.dpuf[/ltr]

    عضو جديد عضو جديد

    عدد المساهمات عدد المساهمات : 38

    School Management System Empty رد: School Management System

    مُساهمة من طرف adelemam322 الأحد أغسطس 10 2014, 14:23

    [size=32]Hair implantation Egypt [/size]
    the balding diseases that affect men frequently, which is a loss of graded hair, and some studies suggest that the causative agent of baldness is excretion excess of male hormone "testosterone" or as accurate sensitivity hair roots excessive DDT DHT within the organization secretions testosterone, and this type of hair loss always be genetically inherited hypersensitivity against the DHT from fathers to sons.
    And increase the likelihood of hair loss or baldness in people whenever increasing in age, and vary the proportion of hair loss from person to person depending on genes motivating him, and there is another type of hair loss usually occurs in patients with cancer because of exposure to radiation during treatment and this type is quite different from the first type.

    While commenting men hopes on treatments that reduce hair loss and hide bald region lock of hair, there are now effective drugs in hair growth available several years ago, but these drugs is not guaranteed to return hair to its previous state in full.

    [size=32]Biofiber in Egypt , Hair implantation Egypt , shaker CenterHair center , زراعة الشعر فى مصر , علاج الصلع فى مصر[/size]

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الإثنين يوليو 01 2024, 06:17